TON YEAR CHEMICAL Focus on chemical alumina

Aluminum hydroxide MSDS

Aluminum Hydroxide MSDS

1. Product Identification

Chemical name: Aluminum hydroxide
CAS No.: 21645-51-2
Molecular Weight: 78.00
Chemical Formula: Al(OH)3

2. Composition/Information on Ingredients













3. Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: White Powder.
Odor: Odorless.
Specific Gravity: 2.42
pH: > 8-10

Moisture content of dry products:0.10%,including 3 crystallized water.

Malting point,melting the highest temperature 530 ℃.

4. Hazards Identification

Emergency Overview
SAF-T-DATA(tm) Ratings (Provided here for your convenience)
Health Rating: 1 – Slight
Flammability Rating: 0 – None
Reactivity Rating: 1 – Slight
Contact Rating: 2 – Moderate
Storage Color Code: Green (General Storage)
Potential Health Effects
Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath.
Not expected to be a health hazard via ingestion.
Skin Contact:
Not expected to be a health hazard from skin exposure.
Eye Contact:
Causes irritation, redness, and pain.
Chronic Exposure:
Repeated exposure may cause symptoms similar to those listed for acute effects. Prolonged contact with skin may result in minor mechanical irritation.
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
No information found.

5. First Aid Measures

Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Not expected to require first aid measures. If large amounts were swallowed, give water to drink and get medical advice.
Skin Contact:
Wash exposed area with soap and water. Get medical advice if irritation develops.
Eye Contact:
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.

6. Fire Fighting Measures           


Not considered to be a fire hazard.

Not considered to be an explosion hazard.
Fire Extinguishing Media:

Use any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire.
Special Information:

 In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.

7. Handling and Storage

Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protect against physical damage. Isolate from incompatible substances. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (dust, solids); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product.

8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Airborne Exposure Limits: None established.
Ventilation System:
In general, dilution ventilation is a satisfactory health hazard control for this substance. However, if conditions of use create discomfort to the worker, a local exhaust system should be considered.
Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved):
For conditions of use where exposure to dust or mist is apparent and engineering controls are not feasible, a particulate respirator (NIOSH type N95 or better filters) may be worn. If oil particles (e.g. lubricants, cutting fluids, glycerine, etc.) are present, use a NIOSH type R or P filter. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-face positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres.
Skin Protection:
Wear protective gloves and clean body-covering clothing.
Eye Protection:
Use chemical safety goggles and/or full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area.

9. Stability and Reactivity

Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Aluminum hydroxide forms a gel on prolonged contact with water; absorbs acids and carbon dioxide.
Hazardous Decomposition Products:
May produce oxides of aluminum.
Hazardous Polymerization:
Will not occur.
Strong acids, strong oxidizers. Aluminum hydroxide can react dangerously with bismuth.
Conditions to Avoid:
Moisture and incompatibles.

10. Toxicological Information
No LD50/LC50 information found relating to normal routes of occupational exposure.

Cancer Lists

                                              —NTP Carcinogen—

 Ingredient                  Known    Anticipated    IARC Category

 ————————-    —–    ———–    ————-

Aluminum Hydroxide (21645-51-2) No          No            None

11. Ecological Information

Environmental Fate: No information found.
Environmental Toxicity: No information found.

12. Disposal Considerations

Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.

13. Transport Information

International transport regulations: there are no special regulations on the transport of goods.

UN code: none

Domestic delivery regulations: none

14. Regulatory Information

Applicable regulations: none

Post time: Jul-25-2019
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