TON YEAR CHEMICAL Focus on chemical alumina

Activated alumina as desiccant in Air Dryer Power Generation

Activated alumina for air dryers is used when pressure drop and surface area requirements fall between 1/8″ and 1/4″ material. It is suitable for most systems. Activated alumina is a porous form of aluminum oxide. It has a high surface area which adsorbs vapors without any change in form.

If size of activated alumina is not known or specified, the 1/8″ (2-5mm) size is usually satisfactory. However, if activated alumina is used in a regenerative dryer and the desiccant retaining screens cannot be measured, the 1/4″ (5-10mm) size should be used as a bed support (6″ layer).

The industry-standard activated alumina desiccant is used extensively in compressed air dryers. Activated alumina is for use in both heated compressed air dryers and heatless / pressure swing compressed air dryers. Dewpoints to -40°F and lower may be achieved with activated alumina depending on dryer design and operating conditions. XR101 activated alumina is smooth sphere of activated alumina produced by the unique manufacturing process.

Activated alumina is an excellent desiccant for drying a wide variety of liquids and gases. Although all molecules are adsorbed to some extent on Activated alumina activated alumina, those molecules having the highest polarity are preferentially absorbed. Stream conditions such as pressure, concentration and molecular weight of the molecules, temperature and site competing molecules affect the efficiency of adsorption.


Bead Size    3/16″ ,1/8″, 1/4″

Color    White

Surface Area    360m 2 /gram

Pore Volume    .05cc/ gram

Bulk Density    48 lbs./ft3
769 kg/m3

Crush Strength    30 lbs.( 14kgs)

Abrasion Loss    .1 wt%

Static Sorption @ Relative Humidity %
11% RH    8

@ 58% RH    22

@ 97% RH    42

Post time: Aug-09-2019
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